TJ Fig Tree and Echinacea

We picked up a little fig tree from Monticello last summer and have named it TJ after Thomas Jefferson. This tree is a graft from the trees on the property. We will take you there to visit the beautiful gardens.

TJ outgrew his pot and is now planted with a ring of Echinacea partially surrounding him.

Now we will have our own ingredients for the Fig and Strawberry jam I learned to preserve in Sonoma County. Next, we will need to explore the healing properties of Echinacea while enjoying their gorgeous blooms with the bumblebees and butterflies.

Candied Jalapenos and Fig-Strawberry Jam

What a glorious couple of weeks it has been! Experiencing the very slight change of seasons and still grateful for the harvest soon to be a memory :).

I believe a couple of the best parts of the journey called “gardening” are learning how to preserve the bounty and sharing. I have learned that freezing is a preferred method as far as preserving nutrients, color, etc. but I am still enjoying trying out new canning and dehydrating recipes. Yesterday was perfect…cooler weather, TV football in the background, canning, baking, dehydrating and soup-making…love it!

Sliced Jalapenos
Sliced Jalapenos

We planted jalapenos for the first time this season and our little plant yielded about two dozen smaller jalapenos. I came across a recipe on this blog:, Candied Jalapenos that calls for three pounds of jalapenos and promises to be a really flavorful delight.

Simmering Candied Jalapenos
Simmering Candied Jalapenos

The recipe peaked my interest. I have not been a big lover of jalapenos but my dad and your dad really like them. So I thought I would give it a whirl. I purchased the remaining jalapenos from our local market (which happens to be the largest open-air market in Northern California: Andy’s Market in Sebastopol), pulled out my mandolin, put on some gloves and got busy slicing all of those jalapenos.

Candied Jalapenos
Candied Jalapenos

It was a very easy recipe to follow. The hardest part was watching my gloved fingers around the mandolin! We will wait a couple of weeks as the author suggests before opening our first jar.

Last year, I found a recipe using one of my favorite fruits (figs): Fresh Fig and Strawberry Jam from The Complete Book of Small-Batch Preserving by Ellie Topp and Margaret Howard. It was DELICIOUS! We used it as jam and also served a spoonful or two over vanilla-bean ice cream and of course, shared some. I know…sugar! But Yum! I have had many requests from family and friends for this particular item this season and now we can fulfill those requests: the first batch = 7 half-pints stacked lovingly on our bulging shelf.

Fig-Strawberry Jam
Fig-Strawberry Jam

Life is good!